My Morning and Evening Skincare Routine

Aside from my love and passion for fragrance, I have a love for skincare as well. I think it would be safe to say its somewhat of an obsession. I really started to take care of my skin when I entered my 30s, and now that I am approaching 37 very soon, I have spent a lot of time and money really curating and finessing my skincare routine. When I started my YouTube channel, before I transitioned into it ultimately being a fragrance channel, I loved discussing and sharing my skincare journey! So I thought I would share my favorite products and current routine!

A bit about my skin…

I have oily combination skin, that has developed a lovely texture over the years. Also its very bratty and often throws tantrums, so add sensitivity to the mix! My skin texture I attribute to my youth, growing up my dad was a surfer and my family lived at the beach. I have VERY fair skin, so I was always drenched in SPF, as I got older I noticed my sunscreen would break me out so I stopped wearing it on my face. It was when I was in my 20s I realized… OMG Sunscreen for my body should not go on my face! So I started investing in great SPFs for my skin but the damage was already done… a lovely texture. Textured skin is a common concern for a lot of people, and for me aside from larger than life pores (THANKS genetics) congestion, and wanting to start on an anti-aging regime, it was the biggest issue I had with my skin. It was around 30 that I developed a desire to learn more about skincare, and not just to buy whatever a sales associate, friends or targeted ads told me. Learning about what ingredients and WHY became important, as well as an emphasis on realistic results. I knew I couldn’t fix everything. Repairing is much harder then preventing these issues. But over time I was able to work WITH my skin to see realistic results, and that was incredibly rewarding.

Realistic results?

So I will never tell anyone how to live their life, especially in regards to their appearance. However anyone decides to present themselves to the world is their own journey. I won’t police peoples choices when it comes to their appearance. Plastic surgery for a lot of people can be incredibly empowering. For me I never had a huge desire. Doesn’t mean I wont ever, buuuttt its not important enough for me to worry about it currently. What I mean by this is, there are some results that can ONLY come from getting injections/going under the knife. And if that is your jam, then own it and work it! I know a lot of my main issues could be completely resolved with cosmetic surgery and more invasive procedures. But I am not worried about it enough to consider these procedures currently. So when I look to skincare products I have a very real expectation for results. Patience is key as well. A lot of these products requite a few cell turnover cycles to show real results. So over the years I learned what to expect and when. It has really helped me not get discouraged, and truly find the right products and ingredients for my skin.

A little TLDR about my routines…

I have at least 2 routines, a morning and a nighttime. And with these routines I have a plethora of products. I am listing them below but know that all of these products have worked amazingly for my skin and concerns. Just because they work for me doesn’t mean they will work for you. Also some of these products are pricey. Price doesn’t equal quality or efficiency! There are some amazing products that are super affordable! I have just learned over the years what works for me, and why! If I can find a more affordable alternative I will always go with that. But I have no real budget if the product works well for my skin.

Day Time Regime

  • Cleanser (Either Micellar Water, or a gentle cleansing cloth)
  • Exfoliation (usually chemical but not always)
  • Toner
  • Essence
  • Treatments/Serums
  • Eye Cream
  • Moisturizer
  • SPF

Nightly Regime

  • Oil Based Cleanser or Balm (This step I will use makeup remover on eye makeup)
  • Water Based Cleansers or other…
  • Exfoliation (usually chemical sometimes mechanical)
  • Toner
  • Essence
  • Treatments/Serums
  • Eye Cream
  • Moisturizer
  • Sleeping Masks/ OR Face oil


Cleansing is my favorite part of a routine. It feels so invigorating to wash off the the gunk from the past 10-12 hours, and so uplifting to clean your face to start your day! There are a variety of different cleansers for different skin types! I have oily/combo skin that is on the sensitive side. These cleansers are my most favorite and have worked the best for me.

Holy Grail Cleansers-

Other Favorites-


Exfoliators can be a game changer when it comes to your skincare routine. There are many different exfoliators on the market, mechanical, physical and enzyme. Making sure you don’t over exfoliate is very important, as you can hurt or damage your skin. Also the illusion of needing harsh or extremely abrasive mechanical exfoliators can definitely lead to such damage. I prefer enzyme and chemical exfoliators, but sometimes have a gentle abrasive physical one can be nice too.

Holy Grail Exfoliators-

Other Favorites

Toners and Essences!

Toners and essences can really change the game when it comes to your skincare routine. The first thing to remember is not all toners and essences are created equally, so finding the right ones can be very important. I like to use hydrating toners mostly, but there are other ones for soothing, and exfoliating. My essences I am very particular about!

Holy Grail Toners-

Other Favorites-

Holy Grail Essences-

Other Favorites-

Treatments and Serums

When I first started navigating skincare treatments and serums were the most foreign to me. There are so many different treatments and types of serums and you can easily get lost. You can use one or layer, but you always want to be mindful that ingredients work well together. You also want to be mindful of not overloading your face with to many products. You can always rotate your treatments nightly if you find your skin doesn’t absorb them well. But consistency is key, as well as patience. I prefer to use brightening and protective ingredients in the morning, and reparative treatments at night. I believe one of the most important ingredients to any skincare routine is an excellent vitamin c product!

Holy Grail Serums and Treatments-

Other Favorites-

Eye Creams!

The honest truth is, you don’t NEED eye creams. You can always dab a little extra moisturizer under your eyes. But some people love the feel and ritual of an eye cream. and yes for some people they can see a real difference. As I got older I noticed finer lines and a lot of dryness under there. My main focus is hydration, anti aging ingredients and yes… SPF! If I can find a good eye product that has SPF, well that’s worth the investment for me! A good rule of thumb if you want an eye cream in your routine is to have a good absorbing one in the am, and a nice hydrating and plumping one at night. Heavier formulas during the day can get all wacky if you wear a lot of make up or heavier concealers. Also a little goes a long way. An ounce of eye cream if used day and night can last you 8 months to a year!

Holy Grail Eye Creams-

Other Favorites-

Other eye products I love!


Moisturizers are single handedly one of the most important steps and products in your routine. And if you have to ask… YES you need a moisturizer. Oily skin can be dehydrated, just because your skin is oily doesn’t mean that it is hydrated. A lot of people with oily skin will skip using a moisturizer and that can cause damage to your skin’s moisture barrier (there are other factors that can cause damage, harsh cleansers, genetics, and environmental factors like pollution to name a few). A proper moisturizer will help protect and boost your skin’s moisture barrier The trick is finding the RIGHT moisturizer. I have Oily/Combo skin on the sensitive side so these products work amazing for me. But if you have dry or normal skin I would try and find different products, or versions that would work better for you.

Holy Grail Moisturizers-

Other Favorites-


One of the biggest enemies to your skin is sun exposure! Finding the right SPF can be tricky. Navigating different strengths and formulas can be daunting. But after a lot of trial and error I found the ones that work the best for me. One thing to remember is any products like a moisturizer or face make up that contains SPF will never have enough to truly protect you. Don’t rely on them, use a separate dedicated spf product for your skin!

Holy Grail SPF Products

Other Favorites-


Masks are an effective tool that you can use to customize your skincare experience. Depending on the mask and treatment you can use them in the morning or as part of your nighttime ritual. I prefer to use masks at night, but sometimes will use hydrating and plumping masks in the morning if I want to pamper myself. Masks come in a wide variety of applications, sheet masks, clay masks, wash off masks and more. Below are a few of my holy grail masks!

Sheet Masks-

Sleeping Packs and Nighttime Masks-

Clay Masks-

Other Favorite Masks-

Face oils and other favorite products!

Here are some other essential and favorite products. I like to use specific facial oils at night instead of a sleeping mask. I usually will rotate these every other night. As for the other products they aren’t necessities, but I do love using them and find them helpful. I am particularly obsessed with hydrating mists that I love to spritz through the day!

Face Oils

Hydrating Mists

Other Favorite Skincare Products-

So that is my skincare routine in a nutshell. I do rotate various other products that I received as gifts, as gratis or purchased to test out. but overall these are the products that I love and have seen real amazing results! If you have any questions or feedback on any of these products let me know.

*** Links above are affiliate links! ***

The Fragrance That Launched 1000 Flankers :: Review of Elizabeth Arden Green Tea

If you are at all familiar with me or my YouTube channel, you are probably familiar with my voracious appetite for tea fragrances. The fragrance that ignited this passion (and my love for beloved nose Francis Kurdjian) it Elizabeth Arden’s classic… Green Tea.

Green Tea Elizabeth Arden perfume - a fragrance for women 1999
Bright, and refreshing- tea fragrances are some of the most popular types of fragrances, especially green tea. You have Bvlgari au the Vert, by Kilian’s Imperial Tea and the one that started it all for me- Elizabeth Arden Green Tea, and it’s numerous (and I mean NUMEROUS) flankers!
When I think of green tea fragrances I instantly think of Green Tea from Elizabeth Arden. The nose behind this fragrance is the legendary Francis Kurkdjian. Created in  1999 this bright and aromatic perfume became a classic and created a fine and distinguished lineage of beloved flankers as well.


Elizabeth Arden Green Tea Yuzu Perfume - Perfume News | Elizabeth ...
Photo from-

Green Tea is so beloved because it is an easy, and gorgeously aromatic and bright fragrance.

Top notes of Peppermint, Orange, Rhubarb, Bergamort, and Lemon- Middle Notes of Green Tea, Jasmine, Celery Seed, Carnation- and Base notes of Musk, Fennel, Oakmoss, Caraway and White Amber. There is a lot going on in this fragrance. So many different layers and conflicting notes, but it all blends together effortlessly and beautifully.

This is a perfume that dances on your skin. Being slightly sweet, green, and refreshing it works beautifully in the spring and summertime. Its easy to wear but also has a simple elegance to it’s body as well. If you’re looking for something more fitted to cooler weather or better for the evenings look to its many flankers. (I am particularly fond of Green Tea Exotic and Green Tea Spiced for cooler weather).

It performs beautifully in any climate and is fitting for most daytime and evening casual occasions. The other beautiful thing about this fragrance is its price point, its incredibly affordable for such a gorgeous fragrance! So at the end of the day you get a gorgeous perfume that has excellent performance, without breaking the bank!

Parfum? Cologne? Eau Fraiche? What’s the Difference in Fragrance Concentrations?

Fragrance concentrations can be somewhat of a mystery for some people. Like what is the difference between Eau de Toilette and a Parfum?  Won’t a Extrait de parfum last longer then an edt? Aren’t all fragrances just variations of colognes? Fragrances come in a variety of styles, prices and concentrations. If you are wondering the differences between each of these variations maybe this little guide can help you out!

A single fragrance can vary in concentrations, the most popular usually being eau de toilette (edt) & eau de parfum (edp). Although the concentration of fragrance compounds is greater in eau de parfum it doesn’t always mean it will perform better or last longer. Truly that depends on the fragrance, it’s composition and most importantly how it reacts on your skin. Sometimes different concentrations might also have different notes as well! It’s always good to sample and research before you make any purchase.


Here is the run down of concentrations:

Extrait, Extrait de Parfum, Parfum–  (20%-50% aromatic compounds.)

This has the highest concentration of fragrance compounds therefore will likely last the longest and have the strongest projection. Can sometimes be out performed by EdP depending on the composition and formula.

Eau de Parfum- (15-20% aromatic compounds.)

One of the most common concentrations, second highest, and typically performs very well in the longevity and projection category.

Eau de Toilette- (5-15% aromatic compounds)

Another very common concentration and while it’s a step below in the fragrance oil concentration category, it can preform quite amazingly for a lot of people.

Eau de Cologne- (2-4% aromatic compounds.)

One of the weaker concentrations so it’s great for people with sensitivity to smell, and can be applied very liberally. Eau de Colognes work well for situations where you don’t want to overwhelm anyone – great for professional settings, like work or school.

Eau Fraiche, Aftershaves-  (1-3% aromatic compounds)

With the lowest concentration of fragrance compounds but is not to be underestimated! Great for layering scents, or for a more intimate and personal olifactive experience.


Just because a fragrance has a lower concentration doesn’t mean that it is worse, then one that has a higher concentration. It all matters how it smells, how it was formulated, and how it performs on your skin!


I made a THING, a Fragrance Concentration Shirt! For all you fragheads out there! ❤


A Watery Rosy Delight :: Maison Francis Kurkdjian L’eau A La Rose

Salutations Friends!

If you’re familiar with my  Youtube channel and reviews then you will be familiar with my love for the beautiful creations from perfumer Francis Kurkdjian. L’eau A La Rose is a newer fragrance from his house, Maison Francis Kurkdjian, that was released in 2019. I am an avid lover of A La Rose, and when I learned about this release I was terribly excited.

Now it is safe to say I adore rose fragrances in general. Some people abhor this note, and others just love and embrace its bold personality and sweet floral nature. No matter what the composition, I usually love a good rose fragrance. Give me your jammy roses, your watery garden variety, your strong and sophisticated rose musk combos, or the bold and brave rose ouds! I love em, and I wear em!

one red rose flower
Photo Credit: Meghan Schiereck

The beauty in A La Rose however is it’s silent sophistication. That tender sweet pea note with the violet leaf and musks really helps the beautifully romantic rose note sit on your skin and dance across the air as you wear it. Timeless is a word I would use to describe that fragrance, and also silently sophisticated yet playful and light. Its just beautiful.

Photo Credit:

L’eau A La Rose definitely fits into that category of a timeless and sophisticated floral fragrance. Embracing the sparkly floral musks that Francis Kurkdjian is known for, it has a beautifully light and watery quality to it. Instead of gentle sweet pea and violet leaf you get a light sweetness from lychee and that beautiful peony that help add that watery, dew like quality to an already delicate and youthful scent. Lighter on the skin, more sparkly and youthful. L’eau A La Rose is a beautiful delight that smells crisp, sparkly, slightly sweet and floral. A perfect addition for a springtime and summer fragrance rotation that doesn’t sacrifice sophistication for hot weather wearability!


Check out my YT Video below! ❤

Bright and Fantastic :: Moschino Cheap & Chic I Love Love Fragrance Review

Moschino Cheap and Chic  is a bright, fun, and perfect perfume for the summer months! Released by the designer house in 1995, it has long been considered an iconic fragrance from this brand. Moschino is not known to shy away from outrageous branding, unique but wearable compositions and fun scents, and Cheap and Chic I Love Love definitely encompasses the brands unique and fearless style. One only has to look at the iconic Olive Oyl inspired bottle to see its playful nature. And one whiff will win you over.

With its unique melange of notes its easy to see why some people are baffled by this scent, and others are so inspired. Among a long list of notes, the most pronounced ones are bergamot, petitgrain, yuzu, rose, jasmine, water lily, violet, orris, vanilla, musk, orchid, tonka bean, and ambergris. It opens strong, and startling with an unapologetic blast of citrus, which then melts into an aromatic woodsy notes with a feminine floral heart. The musk really cements it all together and adds a little bit of a dazzling finish.

The performance for this fragrance is exceptional as well. It has fantastic longevity even in the most humid of environments, so you don’t have to worry about this perfume fading away in the middle of the day. Its projection and sillage is fantastic as well, has a lovely aura to it that people near you will definitely be able to enjoy!

This scent is a wearable blend of a variety of conflicting notes, that come together to create something special. Cheap and Chic I Love Love is as unique as its designer house while still being wearable and enjoyable- especially in super duper hot weather. And I think that is pretty terrific!


I am slowly working on trying to create and index for helping people who might want more info in the FragComm. This will include a list of columnists , Bloggers, Reviewers, Niche and luxury houses as well as common sayings other things I feel might be beneficial.

To start off this project I have (and I believe) compiled ALL the fragrance reviewers on YouTube (myself being one of them)!!! This will have a list of all of the channels that do primarily fragrance content, since there are a LOT of reviewers I won’t do my usual blurb for each one at first, Over time I will add blurbs and info on each channel. Now I just want to make sure there is a nice list and I include everyone! So check back if you want to know more about these channels!

Since there are a lot more male fragrance reviewers then female I broke the list up into 2 parts. the first one (Founding Fathers) are for the reviewers who have been doing this for over 3 years. This list will include newer faces.

IF I HAVE MISSED ANYONE! Comment with their channel and I will check it out and if it fits I will add it to this list! These are just single channel and collab channels with have their own index! There are a LOT of reviewers so when this list goes up I will have added people to the best of my ability

This list is long but well worth checking out!


The Reviewers

The Scentinel

Big Beard Business



J Copeland

The Fragrance Runner

No NonScents





Gents Scents

Imagine Scents


by Kevin Samuels



Fragrance Index :: Male Fragrance Youtube Reviewers | Part 1, Founding Fathers

I am slowly working on trying to create and index for helping people who might want more info in the FragComm. This will include a list of columnists , Bloggers, Reviewers, Niche and luxury houses as well as common sayings other things I feel might be beneficial.

To start off this project I have (and I believe) compiled ALL the fragrance reviewers on YouTube (myself being one of them)!!! This will have a list of all of the channels that do primarily fragrance content, as well as a brief little blurb about their channel, and how long they have been doing it. If they still post and the like.

Since there are a lot more male fragrance reviewers then female I decided to start off this list with the guys who have been doing this for 3 years or longer! The next one will be on the new guys! Now these guys don’t just review masculine fragrances, they have a terrific range of just about everything!

IF I HAVE MISSED ANYONE! Comment with their channel and I will check it out and if it fits I will add it to this list! These are just single channel and collab channels with have their own index!

This list is long but well worth checking out!

The Reviewers


  • CoachRob619- It’s hard to imagine that he has been creating videos for over 5 years, but Coach Rob is one of the most well rounded and respected fragrance reviewers on the platform. With almost 13k subs his star has no chance of slowing and looking at his content its easy to see why. He has an amazing variation of content paired that covers just about anything you would want to know about!
  • Ouch110 Fragrance Reviews- Here is another person that has content I could easily binge watch for days! Beautiful variety of reviews, hauls, and recommendations. All in a nice variety of Niche, luxury, designer, indie, affordable and more! His fantastic reviews, fun and quirky personality and nice variation of men’s, unisex and feminine fragrance videos have cemented him as one of the most beloved reviewers on the platform.
  • Jeremy Fragrance- If Katie Puckrick is the forever reigning Queen of the YT fragcomm, Jeremy is most definitely the King! Having started his channel over 3 years ago he has a staggering 179,000 subscribers. He is easily the most popular fragrance reviewer, and at this point almost a household name within the Fragcomm. He has an exuberant and enthusiastic style, and a wealth of knowledge and experience. Partnered with a great nose, and good looks. Its easy to see why so many people flock to his channel and value his input and opinions! Love him or hate him, he isn’t going anywhere!
  • MrZayas81- Rene has been creating videos for just over 4 years and has a wealth of knowledge and experience. With over 6k subs he is one of the most popular fragrance reviewers on YT as well. A great mix of reviews (especially on luxury, high end and niche), unboxings and recommendations you can find just about anything you would want on his channel!
  • Redolessence– Steven aka Redolessence on YT is definitely one of the most successful, respected, and well known of the fragrance reviewers. Having created content for over 5 years he has amassed over 42,000 subscribers and he gets more and more each day. He has a fantastic approach that is a mixture of entertainment and informative, as well as content that spans across many interests- Designer, niche men’s, women’s, and more. You can find just about anything on his channel, as well as constantly having collabs (especially with BFL), and very consistent uploads as well.
  • Brooklyn Fragrance Lover- Carlos/BFL has such a passion for fragrance, and great content you can’t help but binge watch all of his videos. His knowledge, experience and love for all things frag definitely makes him a standout in the YT fragcomm. His first fragrance videos came out over 3 years ago and its easy to see why he is so popular. There is a tremendous variation with is content, as well as having a rotating amount of  smart/witty guests on his channel that add to the videos they are apart of. Reviews, interviews, collabs and more there is something for everyone! With over 14k subscribers he is definitely one of the most popular, and it isn’t just because of his catchy jingle!
  • Fragrance Bros- One of the channels that has been around the longest, the Fragrance Bros have been creating content for over 6 years! Originally Dave and Jer they started out with fun, entertaining and original content. Now it is just Dave but that doesn’t mean the channel is slowing down. With the basic series, unboxings, reviews and more it’s easy to see why Fragrance Bros has been around for such a long time and still has fantastic and relative content. With over 20,000 subscribers and counting, its going to be fun to see where Dave takes the channel in the next 6 years!
  • Dracdoc- Another channel that has been around for over 6 years Dracdoc is another one of those household names in the YT fragcomm. He has  plethora of content that ranges from thoughtful and informative reviews, to awesome recommendation videos and more! his channel has an impressive 33,000 subs and counting. Mostly thanks to his valuable content, reliable uploads and genuine passion and knowledge for fragrances.
  • Scentrifugal Force- Eric is arguably the reigning king of Montale and Mancera fragrance reviews. His collection is legendary, not to mention his content is entertaining and educating. He has a great range of reviews of niche fragrances (Montale, Mancera, Boadicea the Victorious, Amouage and more) But also reviews on luxury and designers as well. If you want a good, fun review of some holy grail frags definitely check him out. He has been creating for over 6 years and I always look forward to new videos!
  • RajuR reaL deeP kooL- RRDK is not only a talented musician but an aficionado of fragrance. His channel has been around for over 7 years and he started talking about fragrance just over 3 years ago, He has a great entertaining and boisterous personality tied with his great reviews on holy grail frags!
  • The Fragoholic– The Fragoholic has been apart of the TY scene for over 7 years! with over 11,000 subscribers he is one of the best channels to check out if you have a love for celebrity and designer fragrances. Having dedicated his entire channel to reviews on popular and amazing celeb frags!
  • Among the Stars– AtheS is another channel primarily dedicated to celebrity fragrances. This channel has been around for over 4 years and it another fantastic resource if you love and want more information and reviews on celebrity fragrances.
  • Max Fiorti– Max’s channel has been up for about 4 years and has over 11,000 subs! He has fantastic content that spans reviews on niche and designer fragrances, new releases and plenty of seasonal recommendations! Another very respected reviewer in the community and definitely worth checking out if you havent already!
  • Robes08- What more can be said about Robes08 that hasnt already been said. Widely considered the original/first reviewer of fragrance on YT Robes 08 has been creating videos for over 8 years! With over 27k subs he is another household name within the community. Reviews, first impressions, recommendation videos and more. You can literally find just about anything you would be looking for on his channel!
  • Maximilian Must Know- Maximilian’s channel has been around for over 4 years and has some great content. Fantastic variety (niche, designer and more) as well as scent safaris and reviews. There is something for everyone. I also love that he covers some under the radar fragrances too. Great nose, great videos, great channel!
  • FragranceFanatic1- Another fragrance reviewer that has been around from the beginning, over 6 years Fragrancefanatic1 has been creating content! Best known for Street Scents, and his Creed videos he has amassed over 19k loyal subscribers. One of the best channels out there! Informative, enthusiastic and entertaining!
  • A Gentleman’s Journey- Another well rounded and fantastic channel that has been around for over 4 years! His content has a great mixture of hypebeasts, niche, designer and crowdpleasers- with  honest and informative reviews. Always a pleasure to watch with something for everyone.
  • Fragboy Stewie- Fragboy Stewie is a beast in the community. Having created reviews and content on YT for just over 3 years he has a staggering 17,000 subscribers. His videos are entertaining, upbeat and informative. And he is well respected for his experience and integrity,
  • Bottom Note- Although Bottom Note hasn’t posted videos in over 8 months he is stil lmissed. Very popular reviews and entertaining to watch. He had started his channel over 4 years ago and a lot of people wish he would come back to the platform.
  • MyMickers- Another channel that has been around from near the beginning, MyMickers has been doing fragrance reviews for over 7 years and has over 13,000 subs! Super fun and entertaining to watch, great experience and integrity, as well as a great blend of content that he covers- its easy to see why he is so popular.
  • Lanier Smith- If you want a reviewer with class, integrity that focuses on not just the fragrances, but the passion and artistry behind them then look no further then Lanier Smith. I can’t imagine a classier, more gentlemanly person within the fragrance community, with more impeccable taste. If you love luxury, niche and all things Chanel he is a great resource and has been for over 3 years.
  • Super Dacob- Super Dacob isnt just a fragrance channel, but more a luxury lifestyle channel that manifests itself into high artistry, glamour and history. Dacob is like an encylopedia when it comes to all things Chanel, and his love and passion for that house and its fragrances have made him iconic among the scene. His channel has been around for over 3 years and he has a loyal following of over 16k subs and its steadily growing. If you love fashion, art, history and fragrance Dacob has the best channel for you!
  • Smelling Great Fragrance Reviews- His original channel was Man Loves Cologne. Sebastian has been an active member of the fragrance community for a very long time. His videos are informative, education and always a pleasure to watch. With over 8k subs his subscribers tend to agree with me. He puts out content very regularly so there is always something new to watch! Check him out he tends to review everything so I guarantee of you want a review or information on it, he has it!
  • TheBatman777- This channel has been around for a very long time, focusing on popculte movies and more but really started to focus on fragrances and reviews around 3 years ago, They haven’t posted anything in 10 months, but we are always hoping they come back. great energy and great reviews, a very missed channel.
  • lilAngry- Although he bowed out from the Fragcomm about 4 years ago to further his education, I still hear people wishing and praying he would come back. Great reviewer with great charisma on camera. His reviews were always on point, he had amazing integrity and he is immensely missed.
  • JR Reviews- Another fantastic reviewer who isn’t apart of the FragComm anymore. JR Reviews started his channel over 7 years ago and hasn’t been active in about 5. He had great reviews, hauls and more and is very missed.
  • TheLupeXperience– Lupe has been around for over 5 years and had a great channel deciated to popular fragrance with reviews, discussions and more. Although he hasnt updated his channel in over a year his content is still relative and always worth checking out.
  • Betawiblood– Betawibloods channel is another incredibly well rounded and respected channel. Having been around for over 5 years he has a fanatstic library of videos that feature great reviews, unboxing videos, spotlights, recommendations/lists and more. He covers niche, designer and luxury fragrances so there will definitely be something for any taste.
  • ToonZ91– Probably on eof the reviewers that is COMPLETELY under the radar and under appreciated is the amazing ToonZ91! His channel has been around for over 5 years and his videos are always on point, informative and entertaining. He has loads of integrity, passion and his videos reflect that tenfold! Do yourself a favor and check out his channel, you wont regret it.
  • Greggieboy76- A reviewer from the UK who has been apart of the YT fragcomm for over 4 years. Fanatstic mix of reviews (niche and under the radar frags and more) and hauls and more its easy to see after you have watched a few of his videos why he has over 8,000 subs!
  • The Scentient Man– Raj is another under the radar reviewer that has stellar content. He has been creating videos for over 5 years and has a great library of niche, luxury, designer and other fragrance videos under his belt. He hasn’t put out new content in about 4 months but I hope he comes back soon!
  • RyzFragz34- Another well respected and well rounded fragrance channel that has been around for over 4 years. He has a stellar collection as well as very informed reviews that get to the point quickly without dragging on to long. That concise manner in which he delivers his reviews is one of the reasons he is so popular and loved. Reviewing popular fragrances, niche, designer luxury and more. His library is extensive and great if you want a good resource for popular and niche frags.
  • FreddieFragz- One thing can be said, Freddiefragz subscribers are always wishing, hoping and begging for more. In fact thats the only real drawback to his channel. He has been creating content for over 3 years and his subs always wish he uploaded more frequently. That says a lot for the quality of his content. Which is great btw!
  • Dmaster21- Another original reviewer who hasn’t uploaded new content in over 2 years. Although he is missed the content he has up is still relevant and worth checking out. Especially if you like reviews and collection videos.
  • 860Cologne– Great reviewer with a great presence 860 cologne has been apart of the YT fragComm for over 3 years. Wonderful blend of reviews on new releases and old favorites, match with that previously mentioned charisma he has on camera makes for really entertaining and fantastic videos. Also can we talk about how EPIC his voice is!?
  • Notes Punch- It’s safe to say if a reviewer has made me laugh more then any other (and way to much I might add) it would definitely be Notes Punch! His sense of humor is hilarious and his content is amazing. Creating videos for over 3 years I am always so happy and excited to see new videos from him. If you want good reviews and a good time, check him out!
  • Elegante Aroma- Having reviews on Spanich and English Elegante aroma has a great channel and has been doing YT fragrance reviews for over 4 years.
  • Lex Ellis– Lex has a channel that is half hilarity, half fragrance reviews, and half video games (I know I know that doesnt equal 100%) BUT OMFG do I love his content! Another reviewer whose videos are entertaining and on point! Also did I mention video games! Yes please! He’s definitely a personality alright. So if you like some funny, in your fragrance reviews hes the one to check out!
  • TheFragranceGuy If you like Xerjoff fragrances and more this is definitely the channel for you!
  • Dollars and Scents– Another great channel. D&S has been creating content for over 3 years. A very well rounded library featuring a lot of popular scents including first impressions of Creed Viking!
  • Fragrance Talk– One of the Originals this channel was started over 9 years ago! Although it has been at least 4 years since new content has been up, if you want to see one of the originals (and the content is some I always love watching) check out the channel!
  • John David- John David has been reviewing fragrances for 3 years. His content has a great mix of designer fragrances, as well as a lot of niche houses that don’t get a lot of attention. He has a great mix of content, and honest reviews and is well worth checking out.
  • Persolaise- Perfumes- Well respected reviewer who has a great amount of content. does very short and concise reviews and has been creating content on youtube for over 5 years.


This list is the current list to my best knowledge of fragrance reviewers on YouTube. Again if I am missing anyone let me know in the comments section and I will review their channel and add it to the list if it fits!

I’d love to know what you guys think of these reviewers, and what you’d like to see them create! I will definitely add to this list so check back often and feel free to share! Lets give these guys some LOVE! ❤

Bespoke Beauty :: My Maison Francis Kurkdjian and Atelier Renard SLG

Bespoke Beauty, Perfumed Leather Perfection


Now normally I don’t talk to much about my luxury items on here except for beauty, skincare and of course fragrance. But I do also collect and have an appreciation for bags and small leather goods (SLGs). Recently my SA at Neiman Marcus let me know about a special trunk show they were having, and about some very incredible little SLGs from Atelier Renard and Francis Kurkdjian.

When my SA told me about these pieces I was instantly excited. I love the history behind fragrances. How is spans and intertwines with different times, cultures and religions. And I was always fascinated with the perfumed gloves of the 17th century. So when I found out one of my favorite houses (and noses) was partnering with a master leather workshop to create special perfumed leather items I knew this was something I had to check out.

Francis Kurkdjian and Brigitte Montaut looking through leather samples and notes. Credit


I think what really fascinates me about this collaboration between these two masters of their craft is that at started with a bag: That Bag then created a spark of admiration, respect which then blossomed and breathed life into a beautifully perfect collaboration.

The pieces range from single card cases to twin sets: in either American Alligator or Calfskin. In an assortment of colors you can really find just about anything you would want looks wise. SMELL wise the fragrance is unreal!

It’s safe to say I LOVE leather fragrances, so the beautiful resinous and rich fragrance paired with the supple leather is something truly special. I wish Francis Kurkdjian would make a fragrance like that with the leather. It reminds me very much of Grand Soir and Cologne Pour le Soir. The fragrance is supposed to last at least 2 years so I am excited to be able to enjoy this for that long!

Me comparing my choices to my current SLGs in Use (Bottega Veneta Cardcase, LV Key Holder and Prada Saffiano Leather Wallet). That Green Alligator was almost the winner, but I got the calfskin twinset instead. Photo Credit, Me

Overall I am completely enraptured with the quality of my piece and the fragrance. It’s a beautiful union of 2 perfect worlds colliding to create something amazing. I am looking forward to what they have in store for us in the future!

Alligator and Calfskin Twinsets in a beautiful assortment of colors. Credit


I was lucky to be able to experience these firsthand. They are not available online, only in select Bergdorf Goodman Stores and Certain Maison Francis Kurkdjian boutiques. I would contact them directly to see what is available.

Articles and Additional Information

Review of my piece is up on my Youtube Channel.

This is NOT a sponsored post. 

Fragrance Index :: Female YOUTUBE Reviewers

I am slowly working on trying to create and index for helping people  who might want more info in the FragComm. This will include a list of columnists , Bloggers, Reviewers, Niche and luxury houses as well as common sayings other things I feel might be beneficial.

To start off this project I have (and I believe) compiled ALL the fragrance reviewers on YouTube (myself being one of them)!!! This will have a list of all of the channels that do primarily fragrance content, as well as a brief little blurb about their channel, and how long they have been doing it. If they still post and the like.  I will be doing the ladies, because Ladies first. Then later this weekend I will have the male reviewers up. This list does not mean they talk about FEMALE fragrances. A lot of these ladies have excellent range from masculine, unisex feminine and more!

IF I HAVE MISSED ANYONE! Comment with their channel and I will check it out and if it fits I will add it to this list! These are just single channel and collab channels with have their own index!

This list is long but well worth checking out!




Female Fragrance Reviewers


  • Katie Puckrick Smells– Katie was (and still is) the queen of fragrance reviews on YT. Know for her short and very to the point fragrance reviews. Her concise approach was nonetheless very entertaining. She had a fun way with words that gave you a clear picture of the fragrances, as well as showcasing her passion and extensive knowledge on fragrances. She started creating videos over 8 years ago and sadly has stopped producing content. But that doesn’t mean her videos are out of date, or not worth checking out. Rather her extensive video library is a fantastic resource full of thoughtful reviews, lists, and recommendations. One day though I hope she will come back!
  • Angel Lately- Fantastic beauty/lifestyle and fragrance Youtuber. Her channel is energetic, fun and informative. Not to mention she has EXCELLENT taste in fragrances (IMHO). She has been apart of the YT game for about 2 years and I always looked forward to her fragrance collection and favorite videos!
  • HelloPhilly– HelloPhilly has one of the best channels in general if you want checkout any reviewer on this list. She has a beautiful mix of reviews, blind sniffs, faves, lists as well as a lot of content and resources with advice and tips. Having been apart of this community for over 2 years I am excited to see what she has in store for us next!
  • Waha Sawas– A MUA and Fragrance reviewer she has one of the most beloved channels out of all the female fragrance reviewers. Witty, enthusiastic, and fun her videos had something for everyone. She talked about everything from cheapies, to niche houses, men’s, woman’s, niche, designer and more. Her channel had a beautiful blend of everything and her content was always on point. Never afraid to be honest you could always trust her integrity as well as her nose! She hasn’t posted anything for a few months now , but having been apart of this community for over 2 years the lack of current content hasn’t kept her channel from growing. And that is to be thanked for the quality of her videos!
  • Ami Loves Perfume– Another person with a cult like following is Ami. Her passion for fragrances is INFECTIOUS! She is most known for her extravagant hauls and huge collection. She doesn’t buy for the sake of buying. Rather you can really appreciate her love and passion for fragrance with every video. Currently I believe her collection is over 1000 bottles, and its always a treat to go rewatch some of her videos for some much needed “eyecandy”. But her reviews are very informative and she is a very active member of the community! Having been part of the TY fragcomm for over 3 years you could find her comments in most of the comment sections in various peoples videos. She hasn’t posted since Early 2017, and I keep hoping she will come back to the platform!
  • Tiff Benson-  Tiff is a lifestyle/Beauty and Fragrance guru. Her channel is one to watch. Having the second largest amount of subscribers to any female fragrance reviewer (second to Katie), its easy to tell why she is such a sensation. Eloquent, passionate, driven and ambitious. She channels all her talents in creating fantastic content that is also insanely well produced. She has maneuvered herself into being one of the top fragrance influencers in general (between men and women) in such a short period of time, 2 years of creating fragrance videos, and I don’t see her star slowing down! A perfect blend of tips, reviews, advice and lifestyle. Her channel is definitely worth checking out!
  • Beauty Meow Beauty Meow is a fragrance reviewer, as well as a beauty/skincare lifestyle channel. Primarily focusing her channel on fragrance, she is known for her Fragrance First Impression videos, as well as various reviews and content she publishes regularly (5 times a week). Talking about Niche, Unisex, Designer and more you can find a little of everything from her channel. She also doesn’t monthly fragrance hauls, and shares tips and advice for starting a fragrance collection! She’s been creating content for over a year, and doesn’t plan on stopping soon.
  • Just Gil- Artist and fragrance aficionado, Just Gil’s channel is a breathe of fresh air. Beautiful blend of reviews, hauls, advice, and just a general look into her life. Her channel only has just over 800 subscribers (I don’t mean that in a bad way, I am so surprised she doesn’t have a lot more due to the quality of her content). Having an active channel for over 2 years she has a beautiful blend of everything. Also check out her instagram, with almost 10k followers its easy to see why she is so loved there, her GORGEOUS artwork and photography is easy to swoon over!
  • Vava Couture- Fun, spunky, witty and energetic Vava is definitely a fan favorite amongst the other reviewers. Not only are her videos RIDICULOUSLY well edited, but her content is amazing. She has the perfect blend of videos, reviews, lists, and first impressions- there is something for everyone. She doesn’t just showcase feminine fragrances, she also features unisex and masculine, Recommending sexy scents, and harping on others that are all hype! Her integrity is 100% as well as her charm and sense of humor. You can’t go wrong with Vava! A budding actress who started her channel a little over a year ago, her talents, passion and drive will take her far (as well as her movie star good looks)!
  • MinnieMollyReviews-  Fun and infectious the energy MinnieMollyReviews has is incredible. A lot of people in the fragcomm sometimes shy away from celebrity fragrances but she embraces it. Sharing her passion, and knowledge of celebrity fragrances with her audience. Celebrity fragrances sometimes get a bad rapport, but she gives them the respect they are due! If you love celebrity fragrances, and want a reliable reviewer with a strong love of them then she is the channel for you! She started her channel over 5 years ago and although she hasn’t uploaded anything in over a year. Her content is still relevant and informative! Check her out!
  • Natalee Patel– An amazing fragrance/beauty/lifestyle reviewer that is somewhat under the radar. She has been around for over 3 years and has a wide range of videos from reviews, hauls and unboxings. You can find a little of everything on her channel!
  • The Critical Virgo- Tina from The Critical Virgo channel has only been around for about a year and already she has garnered a lot of respect in the community. Not only is her passion for Mancera fragrances definitely apparent in her videos. Her Fragrance Friday videos are also always a treat! She also has empties videos, subscription box unboxings and more. So something for everyone!
  • SmurfyGurly- Claire from Smurfygurly has been creating videos for about 5 years now, with really focusing on fragrances for the past 3 years. Funny, vivacious and sassy her fragrance reviews, first impressions, recommendations, and SOTD make her a favorite of mine! She has partnered up with Mr Smelly to have a collab channel focusing on gossip, drama  and new releases withing the Fragrance Community as well! Very well rounded channel for an amazing reviewer!
  • Fragrancy Blog– Fragrancyblog is another extremely well rounded channel. Reviews, collection videos, hauls and most importantly some fantastic fragrance DIYs, this channel has it all. Having been around for over a year, she is another very respected channel. Currently creating her own fragrance, you really get an understanding of her passion for fragrance with each video.
  • Delicious Delights– Ask just about anyone who their favorite fragrance reviewer is and a lot of them with mention Delicious Delights. Her love of gourmands is the stuff of legends, and she is well known for her smelly jar videos. Honest and blunt, her integrity, passion and love for fragrances is very well respected and admired within the community and with her subs. She has been around for a little over 2 years now, and is still going strong!
  • Shana J– Fun passionate and knowledgeable, Shana J has been creating videos for almost a year now. Her channel is growing strong because of her extensive collection of designer fragrances, and her love of sharing her life, tips, reviews, and hauls. She puts out videos fairly frequently and this girls star is on the rise! Great overall content, especially if you love watching people with a true passion for fragrance.
  • LolaScents Having only been creating videos for a short time LolaScents has gained a lot of respect within the community. Amazing reviews, recommendations and fantastic content. Its really no reason why she is definitely one of the up and comers. She reviews a lot of higher end niche and designer, and isn’t afraid to be honest if its something she doesn’t like. That integrity has gained her a lot of respect and I truly believe she will be one of the bigger reviewers soon.
  • Naz’s Fragrance Reviews– Naz having created videos for about 2 years has a wonderful library of reviews of cult favorites from designer and luxury brands.
  • East West Haven– East West Haven has an exceptionally beautiful channel. Showcasing reviews, unboxings and favorites. Her videos are luxe and divine, as well as her soothing voice and approach to creating videos. Having created videos and reviews for over 2 years her specialty is definitely on the higher end. With reviews of Roja Parfums, Tom Ford’s Private Blend, Amouage and more. If you want good reviews on luxury fragrances her channel is definitely one of the better ones to check out.
  • Cleo Clam- Another reviewer that has exceptional taste in fragrances, she has a fantastic blend of top lists, reviews and recommendations. Starting her channel over 3 years ago she always had fantastic content and showed a lot of integrity in her reviews. Although she hasn’t posted videos in about a year her content is still relevant and worth checking out.
  • Beauty Notes- Has a dual channel with reviews in both Russian and English. Her channel features fragrance hauls and reviews as well as a nice blend of fashion and beauty. Her fragrance reviews are very thoughtful and short so if you don’t want to sit through long videos but still get a great review from a reliable and honest reviewer she is amazing! Having created content for almost a year now, its exciting to see which direction her channel will go.
  • MoodyBoo Reviews– MoodyBoo has been creating fragrance reviews for 5 years! She has a wealth of knowledge and passion when it comes to fragrances, and shares that with her viewers and subscribers. A fantastic library of reviews on niche and under the radar fragrances, as well as cult favorites will have something for everyone. As well as thoughtful list and expertly picked out recommendations. For being a veteran to the YT fragcomm her channel is definitely under the radar and well worth checking out!
  • The Perfume Geek– The Perfume Geek has a fun and entertaining channel, while still having some killer content. Her love and passion for fragrance makes her videos endlessly entertaining to watch, as well as being informative! She has only been around for about 6 months, but she is still going strong and definitely a channel to check out!
  • Mzurilove Beauty & Fragrances-    Has a beautiful channel and loves to share her passion for fragrance with her subs. Having a channel over 7 years old, she started focusing on beauty and fragrance over 2 years ago. Great mix of reviews, collections and recommendations, Her style and approach is entertaining and her charm is contagious!
  • ChocolateBunnie- Another reviewer that has been around forever and is under the radar. She has been around for over 6 years and her content is impressive. Sharing reviews beauty and lifestyle, she is another channel that has something for everyone. If you want to learn more about Roja Parfums, ArmourOud and other niche, designer, and luxury brands check out her channel!
  • Natky2– Another reviewer that is under the radar and deserves more recognition is Natky2. Having been apart of this community for over 5 years she has continuously released content that showcases her amazing nose, and extreme passion for fragrance. Mens, Womens, Unisex, niche, high end, designer,reviews, lists and recommendations she really has a lot to offer on her channel. Her concise approach makes her videos easy to watch and enjoyable as well.
  • Indoleholic- Another reviewer that has been around forever (and sadly hasn’t posted any new content in awhile). Her reviews were always so cheerful and great. She had a lovely mix of luxury, affordable, designer and niche. And always had such an effervescent quality to her personality that made her reviews so enjoyable to watch. She started her channel 5 years ago and hasn’t posted anything in about 3, and I do wish she would come back.
  • Szekely Emoke- Better known for her hauls and reviews she has had her channel for 3 years and took a break. She has recently come back to the platform and started creating content again (and I cant wait to see what she does!)
  • RissCand- Beauty and fragrance youtuber with great taste. Shared her collection and recommendations and was always a pleasure to watch. She started her channel about 2 years ago and hasn’t put up any new content within the past year. Which is a shame, she has a wonderful channel and beautiful approach!
  • Maria Carretini Vlogs Y Perfumes- a Primarily Spanish channel Maria has over 8000 subs making her channel one of the largest fragrance channels among female reviewers. (as well as some of the men too). She has been making videos for over 2 years and shares a wealth of knowledge and passion with her subscribers. Reviews on niche designer and mainstream fragrances, she has something for everyone. As well as being a very active member of the Fragcomm!
  • Tommelise– Her channel is the perfect mix of beauty, fragrance and information. Her personality is so charming and energetic and she has a passion for niche fragrances. She shares a lot of fragrances that aren’t talked about in the community and that alone makes her stand out. Having been creating videos for over a year her channel is fast growing and it is not hard to see why!
  • Eva in The city- Eva in the City is one of the more well know and current channels that gets a lot of attention and there is no question why. She tends to focus on luxury and lifestyle and her vlogs are my particular favorite, but she has such an amazing way about discussing and reviewing perfume. Love of niche, Chanel and not to mainstream fragrances gives her some pretty impeccable taste in fragrances. Having started her channel over a year ago she has made a name for herself in the luxury community as well as many fans in the Fragcomm!
  • SprayEnjoy- SprayEnjoy has been apart of the YT frag scene for over 5 years. Having videos in both Finnish and English definitely sets her apart from other fragrance reviewers. On top of that she has pretty much consistently created content that included reviews of niche, luxury and affordable houses. Definitely an OG of the fragcomm on YT and well worth checking out!
  • Hayley Comments- Hayley has been creating videos on YouTube for about 4 years. More recently she has done beauty and fragrance reviews, as well as fun lists,recommendations, and first impressions.
  • Perfume Mummy- Perfume Mummy has a lot of really unique content. She shares reviews, collections and also showcases perfume book reviews and fragrance magazines. She has only been on the YT platform for about 5 months now but she is a fantastic channel with some fun an unique content!
  • Agnes Eva- Agnes is a new kid on the block who has some great reviews. With a passion for fragrances and an extensive collection her reviews are a delight for sure! Definitely check her channel out.
  • Marcia Serante– Is a fragrance reviewer who has been reviewing fragrance for over 2 years. She does Portuguese reviews and has a whooping 7,600 subs! She is very popular and always has new content up on her channel. If you have been looking for perfume videos in Portuguese she is definitely a fantastic channel.

  • Anisia Beauty- A Russian Fragrance and Beauty Youtuber she has a quite the following (over 20k subscribers)  over 2 years of creating content. Although her videos are in Russian, she does have a few with English subtitles. Her videos span luxury, designer and niche, and are always thoughtful and experienced. Definitely one of the most popular female fragrance reviewers, her videos and content are worth checking out.


This list is the current list to my best knowledge of fragrance reviewers on YouTube. Again if I am missing anyone let me know in the comments section and I will review their channel and add it to the list if it fits! They don’t need to have a lot of subs, or have been doing this for a long period of time! Just a few months with a focus on fragrance!

I’d love to know what you guys think of these reviewers, and what you’d like to see them create! I will definitely add to this list so check back often and feel free to share! Lets give these ladies some LOVE! ❤


**also if you would like to be removed from this list (or dont want your picture associated with it) email me and I will be happy to do that for you asap.

Frozen in a Bottle | The Fragrance of Norway :: My Interview with Geir Ness

I was asked to review a new fragrance, Frozen in a Bottle, which was a collaboration between Disney, and Norwegian Perfumer- Geir Ness. Overall it was a very positive experience. The fragrance itself was beautiful, transportive, and a genuine pleasure to wear. Starting off sweet and somewhat icy, it enveloped you in luscious floral and herbal notes. I am a fan. So when I also had to opportunity to interview Geir Ness, I jumped on the chance. I have been familiar with him for quite some time, having worn, and enjoyed his first fragrance, Laila, for a good long while. However I didn’t want to do a standard interview. Rather I wanted to talk to him, pick his brain, and find out what made Frozen in a Bottle so special.


Our conversation wasn’t to long, as we both are busy (him much more then myself). But if I could say one thing about the entire conversation was the pride he took in creating this fragrance, as well as how meticulously he crafted it. He told me he wanted to invoke, not just the movie, but Norway in and of itself. The beauty and splendor if it’s environment. After being approached to craft FiaB, he spent several weeks in Norway gathering herbs, flowers, and somewhat communing with everything, figuring out the best way to tackle his chosen task. Laila, and his masculine fragrance – Geir, are both sold in Disney’s Epcot Norway Pavilion. So when Disney approached him,  they knew what to expect when reaching out to Geir to craft their first real, signature fragrance. Having taken about 2 years to create and tireless effort, Frozen in a Bottle went live in March.


If you have experienced Laila, you can definitely feel that same heart in Frozen in a bottle. Lighter, and a bit less sweet then Laila, it’s easy to see why it had such a positive response when it was launched. Not only drawing on Frozen’s already, cult like following. You had a lot of people also genuinely excited to experience something transportive, unique, yet very wearable. Geir said some people picked this out to wear on their wedding day, and it is easy to see why. Sweet, light, and refreshing, Frozen in a Bottle hits all the marks. Fragrances like this need to have mass appeal, and in a lot of ways compromises have to be met. Either in the formula, packaging, marketing and quality. Even if a lot of concessions had to be made, you couldn’t tell that in the final product. From the beautiful icy blue bottle and packaging, to the lovely wildflower and herbal notes to the juice, Everything was carefully picked out. Lavender was added to represent the end of the movie. And the together of two sisters, calming, pretty, clean and beautiful. The packaging’s beautiful blue hue was chosen to invoke light (it is also his favorite color) . Everything was very deliberate, yet when it all came together it was an effortless final product. You can almost feel the crisp breeze when you wear this, and smell the herbs and wild flowers, and most importantly, you can really identity Norway in this fragrance.

This fragrance isn’t the only thing in this lineup either. A shimmering hand and body cream, as well as a giftset are other things you can get your hands on if you enjoy this fragrance. On top of Laila, FiaB, and Geir he also has his own skincare line, The Skin of Norway. With moisturizers, Mist and serums, you have a plethora of amazing products to try as well.

Overall I greatly enjoyed speaking with him, and was very honored he took time out of his very busy schedule to talk with me. I learned a lot about the creative process in creating fragrances. And most importantly I got to experience his passion and expertise first hand! He told me he was most excited to really represent Norway and all its beauty with this fragrance, and I think he did it marvelously!

Here is some fun little tidbits

  • Geir’s Top 3 Favorite Disney Movies- Frozen, Lilo and Stitch, Zootopia
  • Describe FiaB in 7 words or less- Fresh, Clean, Light, Happy, All Ages

My Frozen in a Bottle YouTube Review-

You can purchase any of the fragrances right off of Geir’s Site,