Luxury Beauty Review :: Creme de La Mer

I recently did a youtube review on the Luxe product Creme de La Mer, I wanted to expand upon it a bit. The video is below.


Overall thoughts

  • I got this over 2 months ago (almost 3 at this point) and I have to say I have seen an amazing difference in my skin. Softer, looks healthier, feels smooth, texture is improved and I have noticed an overall diminish in my pores appearance.
  • Overall I’m incredibly happy with the product. I have tried dupes of this in the past, but for me this is what has worked the best. That doesn’t mean it will work for everyone, and from a lot of reviews I read people had better experiences with the dupes. So it all depends on your skin, and your expectations.
  • I want to also add, that using it everyday at night for almost 3 months I am barely if even 1/3 of the way through the jar. I suspect this will last me at least throughout the entire summer. So even though it is incredibly pricey you get a lot of bang for your buck.

If you were on the fence about this product, or want a very effective and luxurious moisturizer, from my experience and results I would highly recommend. But do see if you can get a sample first (I am a HUGE believer in sampling before buying!) as not all skincare works for everyone, and this is a very expensive product. Hope this helped anyone!
